Game-Changing Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Is your team working hard but failing to meet your profit goals? They might be working on the wrong tasks.

Essential team members can’t work with complete focus when they’re busy with admin tasks. So instead of working on new launches, creating marketing campaigns and converting leads, they’re stuck doing tedious jobs like filing paperwork.

To solve this and many other problems, businesses are increasingly hiring virtual assistants.

Meaning of Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants (VA) are responsible for the general admin activities of a business. Day-to-day duties like answering phone calls, data entry and managing files are typically assigned to virtual assistants.

VAs are also hired for their specialized services in domains such as marketing, bookkeeping, content writing, social media and customer support.

As remote workers, they stay connected with the organization through the internet. So all digital tasks of a company can be done by a virtual assistant.Unlike typical in-house employees, virtual assistants require very little training. This is because outsourcing companies ensure they are tech-savvy and industry-trained.

Top 10 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

For additional support, agile organizations rely on general and specialized virtual assistants. That’s why these companies grow their revenue faster than traditional organizations.

Virtual assistants are proven time-savers. You can also cut costs associated with recruitment, employee benefits and legal compliance.

Whether you’re hiring one virtual assistant or a dedicated team, here are some benefits you can expect.

1. Save Time

A 2023 report highlights that employees spend only 40% of their time on skilled work and strategizing for future revenue. The remaining 60% is spent on work about work, i.e. busywork that eats away at focus and stunts productivity.

Here are some examples of such admin tasks, and the core tasks you could do instead.

Admin TasksCore Tasks
Filing documentsDeveloping employee policies
Updating customer databaseIdeating new products and offers
Taking minutes in meetingsEngaging meaningfully in meetings
Identifying bugsProgramming software
Creating PPTsConducting quality-control checks
Writing cold emails to pitch prospective clientsClosing deals
Creating invoices for the latest saleBuilding relationships with customers
Following up with clients for paymentsPerforming risk analysis
Booking a conference roomDiscussing strategies and planning future expansion

VAs can take over almost all admin tasks and clear out your schedule for essential activities. And you won’t have to follow up frequently. Agency supervisors on-site will make sure your tasks are completed on time.

2. Reduce Costs

Virtual assistant rates are more affordable than in-house employee salaries. And you don’t even have to hunt for the VAs yourself. Simply approach an offshore agency in a country like India for inexpensive recruitment.

These agencies hire, train and recommend the best virtual assistant for your needs. This way, no money is spent on sourcing, hiring and training them.

With a virtual assistant, you don’t have to worry about overhead expenses. Outsourcing agencies manage payroll and also cover costs like health insurance, social security tax, maintenance and utilities. There’s no need to expand your office space or provide equipment to virtual assistants since they work remotely.

3. Recruit and Replace Quickly

You can rely on outsourcing agencies for swift recruitment. They can find new candidates based on your job description. Alternatively, you can choose from their bench of trained virtual assistants. Either way, they make sure you have the best match.

Thanks to the rigorous training they receive from their agency, virtual assistants are efficient from day one. With easy onboarding and no training, your productive work can resume sooner than ever.

Agencies offer flexible staffing solutions, so you can easily replace your VA if you’re unhappy with the worker’s performance. A new, qualified VA can join your team and restart work without wasting more time.

4. Access Top Notch Talent

While hiring an in-house employee, you may have to settle for low-skilled employees just because they’re available to work from the office.

But with a virtual assistant, you’re hiring based on talent and experience, not based on location.

Outsourcing allows you to recruit dedicated workers from anywhere in the world. With a global workforce, you can explore opportunities in new markets and achieve a diverse team.

5. Streamline Work

Virtual assistants can streamline systems for the whole team. For example, they can use digital tools to automate lead generation. Their organized approach to hundreds of virtual assistant tasks will increase your company’s efficiency.

They will also clearly document your business processes to improve transparency, minimize errors and develop a long-term resource bank.

Additionally, VAs help you complete time-sensitive tasks, create project reports, meet tight deadlines and arrange for last-minute supplies.

6. Offer 24/7 Customer Service

Time-zone differences make it hard for companies to operate globally.

Since in-house customer support teams are expensive, companies are unable to offer round-the-clock support. This limited availability causes international customers to lose faith in them.

Remote virtual assistants can attend to customer requests in the absence of the in-house team. With an affordable offshore team, your company can boast 24/7 availability and earn a customer-first reputation.

7. Tap Specialized Skills

Upskilling your workforce is necessary but it can be a time-consuming process. Having to recruit new employees and/or train existing employees hampers productivity.

So consider onboarding a specialized VA to fill skill gaps in your team.

Be it SEO, graphic design, technical writing or programming—a virtual assistant can make it happen. VAs also offer industry-specific support in e-commerce, real estate, hospitality, arts and entertainment, finance, restaurants, architecture and other sectors.

Skilled virtual assistants ensure constant growth aligned with your business objectives.

8. Get Flexible Staffing

Your workforce requirements can fluctuate with your clientele, demand volatility, supply-chain disruptions and the season.

But with in-house employees, you’re tied to yearly commitments with benefits, annual appraisals and more.

Virtual assistants can help you meet your needs in an adjustable manner. Outsourcing companies like Zenius offer flexible contracts with easy hire and fire and pay-per-hour options.

You can onboard more VAs or even a dedicated team to meet tight deadlines, deal with heavy workloads and seize new opportunities. Similarly, you can also reduce VA hours when there’s less work to be done.

So, you don’t have to continue paying a standard salary to your virtual assistant when their support isn’t required.

9. Support In-House Staff

You can support your in-house team by delegating their routine tasks to a virtual assistant.

They can use this time to recharge and make room for knowledge work and innovation. Rest, energy and focus—all three are foundational to productivity.

VA support can also significantly reduce the stress of your staff. Stress-free employees are more likely to engage meaningfully and take productive initiatives at the office. This increases your employee retention rates.

In this manner, virtual assistants help create a healthy, non-toxic organizational culture.

10. Grow the Business

To gain a competitive advantage in the industry, you need skilled hands on deck and faster time to market.

By delegating secondary tasks to skilled VAs, your company can quickly multiply its revenue, customer base, market share and profitability.

ServiceIn-House EmployeeVirtual Assistant
CostExpensiveHighly affordable
Employee BenefitsHealth insurance, taxes, holidays, paid leavesNo employee benefits
Overhead ExpensesOffice space, utilities, equipment, tea/coffeeNo overhead expenses
TalentAccess to only localized talentAccess to global talent
RecruitmentTime-consuming process with multiple roundsQuick hiring and replacement
Working HoursFixedFlexible
Training RequirementsLengthy training periodNo training required
Contract FlexibilityRigid, long-term commitmentsFlexible, short-term arrangements

Common Virtual Assistant Tasks

Virtual assistants can perform tasks in many industries such as e-commerce, software development, healthcare and more. 

You can hire many types of VAs for admin or specialized activities like marketing, graphic design, video editing support, copywriting, social media, etc.

Here are some examples of virtual assistant tasks you can delegate.

General Admin Tasks

One main duty of a VA is to handle an organization’s administrative tasks. These tasks include taking phone calls, making travel arrangements, managing emails, filing documents, scheduling calendars and ordering office supplies.


A company’s human resources department is vital to create a healthy workplace environment. If you want to ease the burden of your HR executives, hire a virtual assistant!

They can help manage employee grievances, screen resumes, onboard new hires, administer online assessments, handle payroll duties, maintain attendance and leave records, etc.


Keeping track of expenses and revenue requires precision and a focused environment.

The accounting department can rely on VAs for support in preparing invoices, recording bills payable and receivable, writing expense reports, filing taxes, preparing balance sheets, tracking revenue flow and more.

Sales Outreach

Virtual assistants help sales executives close sales loops—from lead capture to conversion. They can conduct sales outreach, research the market, create customer personas, follow up on leads, make cold calls, write cold emails and mine data.

Customer Service

By actively listening to customers and resolving queries, a virtual assistant can improve your company’s customer experience.

The VA can answer calls and emails, resolve refund/return requests, share product specifications and collect testimonials and feedback.

Personal Assistance

For executives with demanding jobs, being involved in family life is difficult. From home management to travel planning and anything in between, you deserve someone to rely on.

Work-life harmony can be achieved by delegating personal tasks to a VA. They can answer calls, make dinner reservations, buy presents for loved ones and book appointments with electricians, cleaners and personal chefs.

Examples of VA Tasks

  • General Admin Support
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting
  • Sales Outreach
  • Customer Service
  • Personal Assistance

Signs You Need a Virtual Assistant

Business owners are increasingly turning to virtual assistants to grow revenue and prevent burnout. Here are some tell-tale signs you too will benefit from a virtual assistant:

  1. You waste time on repetitive tasks.
  2. You want to save money.
  3. You are experiencing burnout.
  4. You want work-life balance.
  5. You want help with personal tasks.
  6. Your customers want 24/7 support.
  7. You want special skills on your team.
  8. You turn clients away.
  9. You want your business to scale.

You Waste Time on Repetitive Tasks

If your day passes in the blink of an eye and you’ve achieved none of your goals—blame the admin tasks!

If you spend all your time on routine tasks like updating customer databases, you’ll never have energy for core tasks like prototyping new products. Admin tasks are necessary for stability, but the core tasks bring in more revenue.

So it’s better to get a VA to take over admin tasks and put your best minds to profit making.

You Want To Save Money

The ultimate advantage of virtual assistants is their affordable rates. You can hire three VAs at the cost of one in-house employee.

And if you need a new employee but don’t want to bear the hiring and training expenses, VAs are the right choice for you.

They’re remote employees, so overhead costs like extra desk space, equipment and overhead are all cut down. VA outsourcing companies also bear the costs of tax regulations, legal compliance and employee benefits.

You Are Experiencing Burnout

When work is draining, it’s difficult to give your 100% personally and professionally. Mundane admin tasks inevitably lead to burnout, which seriously impacts an employee’s physical and psychological state.

To avoid complete exhaustion and long recovery periods, you must ease the pressure by delegating admin tasks. Virtual assistants are a reliable source of support during work stress. They’ll make space for business development as well as timely rest.

After all, mental well-being is necessary for productive work.

You Want Work-Life Balance

Everyone wants a balanced lifestyle. But it can be hard to tear yourself away from work.

A whopping 37% of employees in the US say being overworked is the leading cause of their stress. They’re unable to rest, make time for their children, go on family trips, attend birthday parties, meet friends, engage in their hobbies or take care of their mental health.

Delegating to a VA can be the key to reinstating work-life harmony.

You Want Help With Personal Tasks

Another way to lead a stress-free life is to get help with your personal errands.

A virtual personal assistant can manage your documents, plan vacations, track your finances, assist with personal projects and make doctor’s appointments. As time passes, you can start trusting your VA with confidential information.

Hire a personal VA and watch your to-do list get shorter!

Your Customers Want 24/7 Support

Having a global customer base is challenging. When they face issues, they expect you to be available 24/7.

But having round-the-clock, in-house support will increase your operational costs.

This is where VAs can help. They’re budget-friendly and work from different time zones. So their working hours are more likely to overlap with customers in their region. Offshore VAs can even handle tickets during off-shift hours.

You Want Special Skills on Your Team

Companies are always upskilling to keep up with industry trends. You too can upgrade your team by signing up for a skilled virtual assistant.

Some specialized VA services are graphic design, website development and management, content writing, UI/UX testing, proofreading, social media marketing, search engine optimization, photo and video editing, etc.

You Turn Clients Away

Are you experiencing a sudden spike in business? Don’t turn down new clients. Bring in a virtual assistant to save the day!

With flexible staffing, you can increase or decrease VA support as per your needs.

Virtual assistants can step in to answer product-related questions, update inventory lists, create bulk invoices, update the customer database and handle payments.

This way, you don’t miss out on opportunities during crunch periods.

You Want To Scale Your Business

Hiring more in-house staff isn’t the best way to expand operations. You’d have to spend on infrastructure, salaries and benefits.

Hiring virtual assistants lets you transition to a bigger team in a budget-friendly manner. They are hired quickly and don’t need desk space or other supplies. A strong internet connection is more than enough.

Working With a Virtual Assistant

Hiring a virtual assistant instead of an in-house employee is fruitful for your business. But how should you manage a virtual assistant?

For optimum results, follow these best practices to build a great working relationship:

  • Define expectations: Clearly outline the services you’re paying for. Decide on workflows, working hours, weekend availability, project timelines and other requirements. A detailed contract will make sure there are no surprises.
  • Communicate consistently: Effective communication is key for remote collaboration. Use digital tools to connect with your VA and build rapport.
  • Get task updates: Timely updates on project progress are crucial if you want to be completely satisfied with the results. Schedule regular meetings with your virtual assistant to stay in the loop.
  • Give constructive feedback: A sure-shot way to improve productivity is being open to receive and share constructive feedback with your VA.

How To Find the Right Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Virtual assistance is offered through two main service models. Some VAs work as independent freelancers and others as employees of third-party outsourcing agencies.


As self-employed professionals, freelance virtual assistants work with clients on a project-by-project basis. They generally don’t offer dedicated services and have more flexible schedules.

Their prices vary depending on service level and experience. This means hiring a team of freelancers can complicate your budget and accounting.

Personal emergencies can impact a freelance VA’s availability. Since they’re not managed by agencies, some freelancers tend to have shaky time commitments and can be unreliable in meeting deadlines. It’s also hard to verify a freelancer’s knowledge and expertise before recruitment.

Best to avoid a shot in the dark and go for an outsourcing agency.

Outsourcing Agencies

Outsourcing companies are a convenient way to hire virtual assistants. These third-party agencies offer top talents to global businesses.

The VAs are legal employees of the outsourcing company. Thus, the agency covers recruitment, training, tax regulations, legal compliance, employee benefits and more. They guarantee stable, uninterrupted services, come what may.

Here at Zenius, we connect you with high-level competent talents at affordable rates. Our virtual assistants are pre-vetted for their proficiency in general admin and specialized tasks. You can ask them to administer your assessments and ask intentional questions yourself in the interview to find the best qualities.

Start your journey with Zenius today and take your business to new heights!